Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life motivation

Life's not as hard as you think. You make mistakes which make you stronger. You fight to make it better. You love to make it right. You hurt to feel something. You regret to make it right the second time around. You forgive but never forget because at the time it's exactly what you wanted. Nobody's perfect, we all screw up. But all the little mistakes in life are worth it all in the end. You're a strong person in the end and everybody is beautiful in their own way so never give up, and be yourself. It's worth it in the end. and in addition listen to your heart saying . but the oldie said "ikut hati mati , ikut badan binasa'' . yahh , its true . but for the bad intention only i think. sometimes , the heart saying is true . believe your heart , and your life is not as hard as you think .

Life isn't about who's the most popular or the best looking. It isn't about wearing cute clothes or having a boyfriend. Life is about loving those who love you. It's about smiling in the rain. It's about laughing in the dark and not caring what you look like or wear.But most importantly..it's about accepting the fact that you are who you are and that's never gonna change .

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